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Get Involved: Northeast Region Outreach - NE Region New Volunteers - Wildlife Interest
NE Region New Volunteers - Wildlife Interest
- Description:
Interested in helping with wildlife projects across the Northeast Region? This is the place to start!
Some examples include walleye spawn, electrofishing, angler outreach, hunter outreach, interpretation and education, customer service, festivals/booths, habitat improvement and wildlife transport.
These projects tend to be seasonal so we will be in touch with more details!
- Time Commitment:
- Interests:
- Wildlife - Wildlife Viewing, General - Ongoing Volunteering, Education - School Programs, Education - Festivals/Information Booths, Outdoors and Community Science - Bluebird Monitoring, Education - Teach Fishing Skills, Education - Teach Children, Customer Service - Marketing and Advertising, General - Computers and Technology, Special Projects - Volunteer Program Assistance, Wildlife - Fish Spawning, Wildlife - Aquatic Biology/Surveys, Education - Firearm Practice and Safety, Wildlife - Wildlife Biology/Surveys, Customer Service - Sell Passes, Licenses, Gifts, Habitat and Trail Work - Clean-Up Projects, Special Projects - Assist with Special Events, Education - Teach Archery Skills, Education - Teach Hunting Skills, Maintenance and Construction - Archery/Shooting Range Maintenance, Education - Naturalist/Interpretive Programs, Outdoors and Community Science - Hunting, Education - Teach Adults, Outdoors and Community Science - Bird Watching, Education - Education and Outreach, Wildlife - Fish Hatchery Assistance, Education - Ambassador, Customer Service - Customer Service/Visitor Information, Wildlife - Wildlife, Education - Responsible Human-Wildlife Interaction, Maintenance and Construction - Equipment Repairs, Customer Service - Administrative/Office Support, Maintenance and Construction - Grounds/Facility Maintenance, General - Data Entry and Management, Habitat and Trail Work - Habitat Improvement/Restoration, Wildlife - Wildlife Transport, Outdoors and Community Science - Fishing
Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact NE Region Volunteer Coordinator
(303) 291-7369