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Account Required

In order to apply, you will either need to log in or register for an account:

Volunteer Groups To Apply For

Skills, Spoken Languages

Special Skills
Spoken Languages
Additional Skills, Spoken Languages Not Listed Above

Castlewood Canyon General Volunteer Application Questions


Have you been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or any Parks and Wildlife violations? If yes, please explain, including date(s). Any records that have been sealed do not need to be disclosed.

Certification & Release

CPW Volunteer Agreement and Waiver

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. You can revisit this information any time under My Profile.

(El Contrato y Renunciade Responsabilidad para Voluntarios está disponible en español aquí. Firma su nombre abajo en CPW Connect.)

This Agreement contains an Assumption of Risk, a Waiver of Liability, a Release, Acknowledgment, Notices, and Warnings

In consideration for receiving permission from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission and Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife (collectively, CPW or the State) to participate as an authorized volunteer, I, the undersigned, freely and of my own volition, offer and agree to volunteer my services without compensation to assist CPW in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND RELEASE. I assume all risks of loss and injury, including but not limited to, bodily injuries, death, or property damages arising out of my participation as an authorized volunteer for CPW or travel to and from volunteer activities. I waive and release CPW, its employees, agents, and other authorized volunteers, from responsibility for any and all damages, injuries or loss that I suffer to my person or property from any cause whatsoever while participating as an authorized volunteer for CPW. No term or condition of this Agreement shall be construed or interpreted as a waiver, express or implied, of any of the immunities, rights, benefits, protections, or other provisions of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, C.R.S. §24-10-101 et seq., or the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. §§1346 (b) and 2671 et seq. This assumption of risk, waiver of liability, and release shall be as broad and inclusive as allowed under the laws of the State of Colorado and shall be binding upon me, my heirs, successors, assigns, administrators and executors.
  2. NON-EMPLOYMENT. I am acting as an authorized volunteer and not a compensated employee, agent, or contractor of CPW. As an authorized volunteer, I am not expressly or impliedly authorized to bind the State to any agreement, liability, or understanding and shall not attempt do so.
  3. WORKERS COMPENSATION. Volunteering does not constitute employment for the purposes of the Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act. I am not entitled to benefits pursuant to such Act, and the State does not pay for or provide such coverage for me.
  4. COLORADO GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY ACT (“CGIA”). Authorized volunteers are subject to the CGIA while performing within the scope of his or her volunteer duties. The CGIA also sets forth situations in which the State is not liable for the defense, settlement or judgment of a claim or lawsuit against an authorized volunteer; including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:
    • a. Scope. Injury or damage caused while acting outside the scope of CPW directed actions;
    • b. Willful and wanton misconduct. Injury or damage due to willful or wanton misconduct;
    • c. Claims. Compromise or settlement of a claim without the State’s consent and
    • d. Notice. Notice of service of lawsuit is not submitted to the State within 15 days of receiving such notification.
  5. RISKS & HAZARDS. Working as a volunteer involves risks and hazards and I must be in proper physical condition for the assigned tasks. I shall notify CPW staff of any change in my ability to do work, engage in physical activity, or otherwise discharge my duties. I shall use proper safety equipment and obtain any special skills necessary to perform assigned tasks. Risks and hazards I encounter while volunteering may lead to death, dismemberment, serious personal injury, and property damage. I assume sole responsibility for, and assume the associated risk of all such risks and hazards, and will not seek to hold the State, CPW, its officials, employees, agents or volunteers liable for such risks and hazards. Risks and hazards include, but are not limited to:
    • a. Tools. Using tools and construction-related equipment;
    • b. Other People. Working around other volunteers and third parties who are not accustomed to the tasks or the tools and equipment associated therewith; and,where drowning and injuries due to collision with natural and man made objects may occur;
    • c. Vehicles and Equipment. Working in or around heavy equipment, trucks, and machinery; working in or near stationary or moving vehicles ATVs, off-road vehicles, truck beds, snowmobiles, etc.
    • d. Environmental. Working in mountainous back-country and other natural terrain that may be at high altitude, uneven, rocky, slippery, exposed, prone to rock and snow slides, subject to flash flood, habitat for dangerous wildlife and insects, and other dangerous conditions that may cause altitude sickness and bodily injury. Working in or near bodies of water where drowning and injuries due to collision with natural and man made objects may occur.
    • e. Aircraft. Riding in or on airplanes and helicopters, which have spinning rotors and propellers that can cause serious injury or death; airplanes and helicopters can crash due to malfunction, weather, operator error, or a variety of other reasons, causing serious injury or death.
    • a. State Vehicles. I shall not operate a state vehicle unless specifically authorized to do so, and then only with a valid drivers license, after I sign the Vehicle Use Authorization form and only within the course and scope of volunteer activities. As an authorized volunteer, I am subject to the CGIA and covered by the State’s self-insurance for damage to state vehicles and liability to others arising out of my operation of a State vehicle while performing within the scope of my volunteer duties but not for bodily injury to myself.
    • b. Personal Vehicles. If I drive my personal vehicle for a volunteer project, it is my responsibility to insure the vehicle is at all times properly insured according to Colorado State Law, and I understand and acknowledge that I am responsible for providing any notice required by or to my insurance company when I use my personal vehicle for a volunteer project. I am personally liable for any damages or bodily injuries to myself or others that arise from the operation of my personal vehicle, and acknowledge that Colorado’s Restitution Act (C.R.S. § 18-1.3-603(8)(a)) may apply if I am involved in an accident and/or cause injury to another’s person or property. Specifically, I acknowledge that when operating my personal vehicle during a volunteer project, while Colorado’s Governmental Immunity Act may apply in some respects, I am not covered by the State’s self-insurance for any property damages to my own vehicle or to others, nor for bodily injuries to myself or others.
  7. IMAGES AND RECORDINGS. All likenesses of my image, photographic or otherwise, taken and audio
    recordings of authorized volunteers are owned by CPW, and CPW may use, publish and copyright them without my inspection or approval.

  8. EXCESS INSURANCE. CPW maintains an excess medical, liability and automobile insurance policy for the benefit of authorized volunteers. Coverage is in excess of and noncontributing to any other collectible insurance. CPW’s insurance company determines applicability and coverage under the volunteer policy, and CPW is not liable if coverage is inapplicable, insufficient or denied. Additional information on the policy is available upon request. CPW may cancel or modify such coverage in its sole discretion and without notice to authorized volunteers.

In order to become or remain an active volunteer, I agree to not opt out of all CPW Connect emails. (This is to ensure CPW can communicate with you. You can manage more specific email preferences under My Profile, and choose to opt out of all emails if you no longer wish to volunteer with Colorado Parks & Wildlife.)

I hereby certify that I am at least 18 years old, or if I am younger than 18, my parent or guardian consents to this Agreement by signing below, and that the information I provide in this Application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I grant Colorado Parks and Wildlife permission to verify such information through the release of information such as reference checks, driving records, educational, work and criminal history, and law enforcement background checks. The release of any relevant information to verify my eligibility as a volunteer for CPW will be held confidential.

I also authorize Colorado Parks & Wildlife to use, publish and copyright any of the photographs taken of me. All pictures are owned by Colorado Parks & Wildlife.

Parent/Guardian Release for Minor

Account Required

In order to apply, you will either need to log in or register for an account:
